Join the Friends of the Milan-Berlin Public Library

The FRIENDS of the Milan-Berlin Public Library, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, is a non-profit group comprised of community members who care about both libraries and their future success. The organization provides financial support for activities and functions that cannot be financed with taxpayer dollars. 

The FRIENDS help to financially support the Summer Reading Program for youngsters from both communities and have contributed generously to both the Milan and Berlin Heights Library building and renovation projects. In addition, they sponsor monthly book sales, which are the group’s main fundraisers.

We welcome your support. If you are interested in joining the Friends of the Milan-Berlin Public Library, download and print the form. Once completed, return the form and your membership donation to either library or mail a copy to the following address:

Friends of The Milan-Berlin Public Library
19 E. Church Street
Milan, Ohio 44846

Friends of the Milan-Berlin Public Library meetings are held once a month on the second Thursday, are rotated between the two libraries, and are listed on the Library’s calendar of events.  


The Friends accept book and other material donations year-round. Donated items are sorted by volunteers and then placed in storage until the monthly book sales. If you have books to donate, please call 419-357-8009 to arrange for a Friends volunteer to meet you and assist you with receiving your donation.

The Friends can accept donations of:

  • Gently used books
  • Fiction hardback & paperbacks 
  • Nonfiction 
  • Children’s books
  • Textbook (college and high school)
  • AV materials (DVDs, CDs, and books on CD in working condition)

The Friends CANNOT accept donations of:

  • Magazines 
  • Reader’s Digest Condensed Books 
  • VHS tapes and cassettes
  • Puzzles and games
  • Materials that are damaged, dirty, or have yellowing pages
  • Encyclopedias and reference materials
  • Materials that are not regularly circulated at the libraries

Items may be checked upon receiving. We reserve the right to not accept donations.